S 2392
Allows extension of certain local government timeframes; allows local governments to accept certain payments; allows local governments to conduct certain meetings remotely; adjusts certain property tax distribution and notice requirements
S2392 (Sarlo): NJEA is aware that the current pandemic has triggered an economic crisis across all levels of government. We appreciate the magnitude of this moment but cannot support the bill in its current form. As drafted, the bill would allow immediate and dramatic cuts of tax payments to school districts. What’s more, these reductions appear permanent and not coupled with any reasonable means to make school districts whole. With the potential for federal emergency funding, these harmful cuts to our schools should not become law. Instead, we should work together with partners at all levels of government to maintain funding for the level of education our students need. We recognize the challenge of the task and stand ready to work with you on finding solutions during this unprecedented time.
NJEA asks that you OPPOSE S2392.