ACR 223 (Coughlin)/ SCR 165 (Vitale) NJEA asks that you include the school mask mandate in the list of powers to be extended due to Covid-19. The mask mandate has been an essential component of maintaining student and staff safety. Masks have allowed schools to remain open for in-person instruction this year as part of other mitigation strategies recommended by public health experts.
Masks in schools are not an issue of personal choice. Science clearly shows that masks work. Masks protect vulnerable students and staff, allowing them to stay in school. In addition, by helping slow the spread of Covid-19, masks in schools protect other vulnerable immunocompromised family members.
We know that while remote education may be necessary at times, it is not a substitute for being present in a school building. With the rise of the Omicron variant and holiday gatherings, cases have surged. Removing the mask mandate will force school boards, administrators and educators to focus on addressing community division on the issue instead of on student learning.
Without this mandate, cases will continue to increase, and schools may need to switch to remote instruction for longer periods of time. This will negatively impact children’s learning and social-emotional well-being. It will hurt families and the economy as parents have to take off work to stay home with their younger students.
Please protect students, staff, and their families and by extension, all our communities. Protect our health care employees and the health care system. Protect our economy and public health. Do the right thing for children and extend the governor’s power to impose a statewide school mask mandate.
NJEA seeks amendments to ACR 223 SCR 165 and asks that you do the same.