S 237 S 854
S-237- Requires new civics instruction in middle and high schools; requires school districts to use DOE’s curriculum guidelines for civics; and requires DOE to provide funding to enhance civics instruction
S-854 – “Laura Wooten’s Law”; Requires civics instruction in middle school; authorizes New Jersey Center for Civic Education to provide curricula, professional development and technical assistance for middle and high school civics and provides annual center funding
S237 (Singleton, Greenstein) S854 (Turner, Kean) While well-intentioned, the bills are ultimately duplicative and counterproductive. The bills would result in unintended consequences as civics is already required in the social studies standards and current revisions to these standards are underway at the Department of Education. Furthermore, there is no room in the school day for extra courses without cutting out music, art, test preparation, or other requirements. If the state would eliminate the burden of testing on students, and its attendant time commitment, this would enable worthier uses of the school day and our educational resources.
NJEA urges you to OPPOSE S237/S854.